Friday, February 24, 2012

My Life in Limbo

I realize that this might sound annoying, but in these times of economic uncertainty, I have found an embarrassing amount of possibility has opened up to my family. It might be kind of braggy, but I would argue that I am due. My husband and I spent the first five years of our marriage pursuing his dream of being an airline pilot - this was right before the bottom fell out of the airline industry - and an aviation degree does not come cheap. We then embarked on the plan B college track just to get a decent job. We also decided to go with the “buy high sell low” trend for real estate that has been all the rage these days, but now, after years of financial beatings and general wandering about, hauling our student loan debt as we go, here we are with a veritable buffet of choices before us.

I don't like it.

I think I've gotten so comfy in survival mode that having the future wide open seems not quite right, like those stairs that have no railing you see in modern contemporary houses. You know that you’re going to make it down the stairs, but all of that open space just feels wrong. We are dealing with a lot of open space so here are the choices

Choice A is stay in Utah, in our house, make it pretty, stay in the PTA and Cub Scouts and generally realizing my dreams of Leaving It to Beaver. Maintain long term/short distance friendships, which is a change from the short term/long distance relationships that are my current social interactions of choice and start Art school.

Choice 2) The same as choice A but do it in Washington. It's cool and misty there, my family is there and I generally love it.

Choice C – pull a Rebecca Smylie and join the Foreign Service, enjoy international life of mystery and become a national treasure (that's a given, right? Even now I'm changing the Mary Tyler Moore Show lyrics to the Traci McKay Show lyrics – Who can spread democracy with her smile?)

I think I've decided that it is harder to choose between two great choices than having one clear, obvious choice – unfortunately I am a few steps behind Stephanie Meyer in realizing that or I would be a rich novelist right now, because I'm guessing Twilight would not have been quite as popular if Bella was forced to choose between a hot, super human vampire with soulful eyes and a guy named Larry who loves Renaissance fairs.

So after a life of Larry choices it's time to choose between my Edward and Jacob...

Man, I kinda miss Larry.

*You have my word, PGS, from here on out I will do my utmost to abstain from Twilight references.