Friday, February 24, 2012

I fell in love recently with two blue eyes, ten sausagy fingers, one bald head. I am completely in love with this kid who cannot even lift his hand without poking himself in the eye. He spits on me and we both laugh, I think his poop smells nice. It's ridiculous, he's ridiculous - I'm ridiculous. I'm in love I'm in love and I don't care who knows it.
I think we have to feel like that, because some of the things you find as a parent are absolutely horrifying. For example; did anyone know that a circumsision can just not take? That you can circumsize a kid and his penis might just refuse to break up with it's foreskin, and reattach itself? Weird. Did you know that it is possible to completely plug your nostril with one solid booger? Or that breastfeeding baby boys can lactate? Or that one in every thousand children are born with a underdeveloped extra digit? These are the things I never wanted to know but now do because I'm a mom.
And it doesn't stop there. Kids think the bath tub drain is going to suck them up, they hit each other because they want to be friends. They can watch the same movie for weeks at a time. They have stomachs like billygoats and imaginary friends. They can swing all day and not get sick - it's just not right. And my life has been taken over by these little weirdos. They interact with stangers as though they have a delightful cocktail of Tourettes and Aspergers.
It's hilarious when it's not mortifying.
Really, that sums it up. Hilarious when it's not mortifying, heaven when it's not misery, and when it's not drudgery it's complete, utter bliss.
And when I think about it like this I want a million more six fingered, booger nosed, lactating, snotbrats just like 'em.