Monday, July 20, 2009

Love dosen't come from daisies, it comes from foxholes...

Remember that time that was awful? Some people would say we shouldn't but I think we should. Remember those times when no one was happy in our home, and we knew all too well the reality of a Telestial life. The reality of a group of satellites drifting further and further outward with nothing left to orbit?

Remember when in all that darkness every now and then we would grab on and pull each other back with some weak and feeble gesture that even now means more to me than almost anything I've experienced since? When sometimes all you had to give was barely anything at all. I still treasure those barely anythings the most. I hold onto those barely anythings like dog tags from a foxhole that was covered over decades ago and now grows daisies. But I still like to remember, I hope you still remember too because those days were the days that made me love you.

I remember when all I could do was cry and you just stood there and let me, and then you laughed and I laughed and it wasn't OK, but really it was.

I remember being so lonely and rejected and then one of you would do something funny and Dad would laugh so hard great tears would stream down his red cheeks and it was like Christmas! or the Forth of July! Did you see Dad's face? that was priceless...

Do you remember that time when we sat in a hospital waiting room laughing like a couple of idiots?

I love you because we've been through hell and back and I'd turn around and do it again just to know such damn fine people.

Do you remember when our life became a kaleidoscope and all of the pain and sickness and betrayal caught the light and bent and refracted into hope and acceptance and pride for all that we have survived together? I don't remember when, but I know it happened, and I know it goes on happening...

and I still keep it in my heart.


Anonymous said...

Don't know how I got here...mind numbing surfing does that...but I'm so glad I did. The whole bit on love in the trenches. So true, so nicely written.

don'tcallmelady said...

Hey! Thanks! Mind numbingly surf my way anytime!