" Seek the truth, speak the truth, be the truth" - Frank James
It turns out the truth is ugly.
If there is one virtue that I am pretty good at emulating, I hope it's honesty. I am fairly overly sensitive about dealing with people honestly, and having them be honest with me. Lies are such an enormous waste of time when the truth is always surmountable. But there is one area in which I have converted to the inky black realms of the untrue.
I have always felt that spell check really messes with intellectual integrity, if you can't spell you should learn, otherwise you should proudly display your lack of spelling prowess as one of those things that separates out the true hearts (who will find your poor spelling adorable, like your weird pinky toe nail) from the false ones (who will see the form rather than the substance of the thing and make fun of you behind your back).
I have had many a good natured argument with both family and friends over what was once my firm anti spellcheck opinion. I have been told that it probably aids proper spelling more than it enables, also that it is considerate to the reader for whom one writes. I used to wave these arguments away as one more small cave to one more little technoloical pest ...and it's all fun and games until one day those little pests become so powerful they start keeping us in plexiglass wombs living only a cyber reality. That's right. I saw the Matrix, and it scared the crap out of me. And it all starts with Spellcheck.
Then, one day, in a moment of weakness, I tried it.
Oh no.
I am an idiot.
and now everyone knows it.
And now I'm hooked because, you see, there is no gateway drug to spell check. It's like going from nothing to crack, I was completely unprepared, but now I can't live without it. How long had I been spelling thier wrong? Was I really that far off in spelling miscilaneous? It was like I had just discovered my own nakedness for which I had previously been blissfully unashamed.
But I still never correct my poor grammar, obviously. I have to keep it a little bit real.
*No misspelled words were harmed in the making of this post.